Something that make you smile either than cry more :)


First thing I wanna to tell is, most of my friends know that I like DOMO hmm.. rite? I think yesss :) And sometimes, I call the cute one as Lengzaii [a name from my little brother for the cute one ] OYW , the funny one start from here :DD

One day, I go shopping with my family at Jusco, the little one saw a boy wearing a T-shirt ; ehhem, are you thinking what am i thinking ? Yessssshhh ! my LENGZAII is behide the boy's shirt !!

Let's see what happen then ! :DD

It's really funny and the boy qiukap FISH !! xD

TheFirstOne ♥

Hi and say Hi :)

That's my first Bloggie.


HI :)
1st over , this is about all over the things that happen around us :)

The first and first over i start again in a new one , its because that my Holiday is really FUN.
And now , i'm going to start my longloooooooooooooooooooooooooooong journey from here :)