Something that make you smile either than cry more :)


First thing I wanna to tell is, most of my friends know that I like DOMO hmm.. rite? I think yesss :) And sometimes, I call the cute one as Lengzaii [a name from my little brother for the cute one ] OYW , the funny one start from here :DD

One day, I go shopping with my family at Jusco, the little one saw a boy wearing a T-shirt ; ehhem, are you thinking what am i thinking ? Yessssshhh ! my LENGZAII is behide the boy's shirt !!

Let's see what happen then ! :DD

It's really funny and the boy qiukap FISH !! xD

1 comment:

  1. I know u wont c this blog de la... jz wan 2 left a comment at here n let u know something if u c this...
    i pak to with wenni liao la... maybe u will think that i m a bad guy... say le wont pak to n will wait u bt i break this promise... it is bcz ying yee told me that u pak to with the sohai yu liang... ok la... i really very sad when i know it... bt i cant show it out... bcz if i show it out ying yee will be more sad... i cannot show my sadness out... i keep 忍... until finished 汇演 that night i gt a bit 崩溃 when i reach my house la... cz really very sad... bt i still nt believe that u will pak to with him la... duno that i m right or nt...:(
    jz can say that 如果你在玩的话就不要玩得太过份,玩得太久,不然你会伤到他。如果是认真的话就祝福你吧!=')
    we r still friend right? sure la... for me la...duno for u is or nt... u r my forever de friend liao la... u already 占据 a small place inside my heart n cant be remove liao de la...jz like a girl... 黄咏晴... last time when hao nan went to canada that time gt sometimes ur twitter will post something like jealous someone that gt a guy bcz of her n 忽略 u... is that me... haha... really wish that it will be me... :)if really is me i should say sry 2 u... for that time... u r still my only one who care the most... bt hao nan went 2 canada le... n she really need someone 2 care she... so i did the job 2 take care she... bcz she is an important friend to me... n u, is the most important people to me... she know... bcz we know each other for a long time...
    at the last...if u gt anything need help jz find me la... i sure will help u if i can make it... this 1 i can PROMISE!!! really PROMISE...
    My promise wont be break easily... except the time that i really hurt n sad... sry that i break the promise... =)
